How To Remove Melted Plastic From Carpet? 

Melted plastic on the carpet is an intimidating state. Whatever the cause is, the melted plastic doesn’t seem good.

Melted plastic on a hard surface can peel off effortlessly. But if the plastic spill over the carpet, it is very difficult to remove.

It is very compulsory to clean it out instantaneously. Paint can cause a strain on the carpet, so take quick action to remove the paint.

If you are not familiar with the right way to take away plastic from the carpet. Relax, don’t take tension, there are so many methods used to remove melted paint from the carpet.

Best Product for Removing Melted Plastic

There are several products in the market for removing melted plastic from carpets. But I prefer Goo Gone Original product.

This is home friendly and has many benefits.

Why do I prefer Goo Gone?

  1. Perfect for quickly cleaning surfaces.
  2. It is safe to use for you, your surfaces, and your home.
  3. This is a trustworthy brand used worldwide.
  4. It can clean all dirty and sticky mess.
  5. There are so many ways to remove tough messes with Goo Gone Original.
  6. Specifically formulated with Citrus Power.
  7. Goo Gone can remove almost every problem and restore your surfaces to their original condition.
  8. There are multiple uses around the house of Goo Gone Original.
  9. It will not damage your surface.
  10. Works on_ Stickers, melted plastic, glue, gum, tape residue, adhesive, paint, tree sap, tar, and many more.

Some safety measures

  1. Don’t allow Goo Gone Original to sit in rubber as it can deteriorate it.
  2. After you clean the area with Goo Gone Original, wash the area with hot soapy water.


Plastic removing process from carpet

Here are two common ways to remove plastic from the carpet.

  1. Using Iron
  2. Using Ice cubes
  • Using acetone

Method 1: Using Iron

Iron can be used to remove melted plastic from the carpet. Only two tools are required for this procedure.

  1. Brown paper bag/Wax paper
  2. Iron

Here is the procedure step by step:

1. Preheat the iron

Take iron and plug it into the outlet and set the highest temperature. Make sure that the outlet should be near the plastic spot.

Dry heat iron is best for this procedure. If the iron has a steam function, make sure it is off.

2. Use the brown paper

Cover the melted plastic area with a piece of brown paper. Only use one sheet of brown paper, but not use a too thin sheet, it may cause burn the carpet fiber.

3. Put on iron

Put the heated iron on the upper surface of the brown paper. Keep moving the iron on the paper with a light hand, if you want to avoid burning.

If you give more pressure and heat the plastic will melt more and go deep down into the carpet fibers.

Our main purpose is to take off the plastic, so carefully do this procedure.

4. Take off the paper

After applying heat on the paper, slowly peel off the paper as plastic will stuck on it. Now, the surface of the carpet is clean now.

5. Clean properly

Repeat the process again if there are still remaining some particles. You can use any carpet cleaner or rubbing alcohol at this stage now.


Only brown paper is used for this procedure. Don’t try to use any other paper. Wax paper is only the alternative to brown paper.

If you use newspaper, there is ink in it. After heating it become a huge mess. Ink will deposit on the carpet.

In the case of using white paper, the chances of burning are very high. Because white writing paper is thin.

Method 2: using ice cubes

Ice cubes could be used for this purpose. You will need these things;

  1. A vacuum
  2. Ice cubes
  • Knife
  1. Brush

Here is the complete procedure step by step.

  • Take some ice cubes from the freezer.
  • Rub the ice cube right above the melted plastic, it will freeze the plastic.
  • Hit the plastic, it will break.
  • Take a knife and scratch the plastic.
  • Use a brush to clean the patch thoroughly.
  • If there is a stain behind, use a carpet cleaner or rubbing alcohol.

Method 3: Using acetone

Acetone is an organic solvent and it is used to take out melted plastic from the carpet. Do not use this chemical near the fire or stove because it is highly flammable.

You can even clean and horrid stain with acetone. You can purchase this from the nearest pharmacy or drug store.

Before applying to the affected area, must try first at some hidden place. If there is no issue then you can apply it to the stained area.

After applying, wait for a few minutes, then scrub with the knife. Use a brush to clean the remaining particles on the carpet.

After this make sure no acetone is left on the carpet, it could be dangerous.

How to remove plastic stains from the carpet?

When you peel out the plastic from the carpet, it can have a light or dark stain on it. It appears as a bad patch on your carpet.

So after finishing the peel-off process, the second step is to follow the stain cleaning procedure. If you have a stain cleaner or remover simply apply it on the stain and remove this.

On the other hand, if you do not have any cleaner, you can try some DIY solutions for this stain removing procedure

1.  DIY (Vinegar and Water)

  • Add white vinegar and water into a tub, quantity should be equal.
  • Mix them properly, and put this solution into a spray bottle.
  • Spray this solution on the spotted area.
  • Take a white cloth or towel and a pat on the stain.
  • Wait for a few minutes, the stain will be stuck to the towel.
  • Repeat the process if the stain is still there.
  • Now take a brush to comb the carpet fibers.

2.  DIY (Vinegar and Baking Soda)

  • If you do not have chemicals like acetone at home, you can use a DIY based on natural ingredients.
  • Make a paste of vinegar and baking soda.
  • Apply this paste on the melted carpet, wait for some time.
  • Rub the surface and whip out the plastic.
  • Repeat the process if the stain is still there.
  • Now take a brush to comb the carpet fibers.


  • After plastic burning arises a pungent smell of chemicals. This smell could have drastic effects on your lungs while breathing.
  • Whenever dealing with any kind of melted plastic, make sure there is proper ventilation and wear a mask.
  • Must take precautions measures for avoiding yourself from burning or any other incident.


  • Always use brown paper/wax paper.
  • Don’t use white writing paper and newspapers.
  • Don’t use the iron directly on melted plastic.
  • You can use the same method for fabrics.
  • While using acetone, must try first on the sample.
  • Acetone can leave stains on different fabrics types.
  • Must dry the carpet after cleaning.
  • Use a hairdryer for drying.

Final Thoughts

In this article, we have discussed two methods for removing melted plastic from the carpet. I hope it is very easy now to clean the spot if you face such type of situation.

If you want clean and stainless carpet then you are in the right place. I’m sure these methods and DIYs will help you a lot.

Plastic Chemicals