How To Remove Black Spots On The Hardwood Floor

Hardwood Floor Is One Of The Most Stylish Flooring Options For Your Place. Its Eye-Catching Look And Elegant Design Add To The Attraction Of Your Living Room. High Walking Activity Over Hardwood Floor Causes Entrance Of Girt, Debris Particles, And Other Pollutants.

These unwanted particles cause stains on your hardwood floors. That’s why for maintaining an appealing look, your wood flooring needs proper care. But sometimes even, after adopting all the preventive measures, these stains are inevitable.

 Eradicating these marks can be a real challenge. That’s why for dealing with such stains, you need to learn about them.

Types Of Stains

There are different types of hardwood stains. White and black stains, water stains, and urine stains can appear on the hardwood floor. But you can commonly witness white and black stains on the wood floor.

White Stains

These stains can be cleaned and removed quite easily. Black stains are unappealing and stubborn stains. These stains destroy the aesthetic look of your floor.

Black Stains

Black stains are more problematic as compared to white stains. These stains penetrate and damage the deep layer of wood. These stains are difficult to clean.

Water Stains

Water stains can be caused by accidentally spilled water. Tiny traces of this spilled water leave light stains on your floor. These stains cause the unappealing color on the surface of the hardwood floor.

Urine Stains

Mostly Pet owners are familiar with urine stains. Pet food, urine, and waste can cause stains on the hardwood floor. Pet urine is liquid. It penetrates quickly into wood layers.

Urine contains Ammonium and chloride; if urine is not cleaned immediately can react with hardwood. That can cause long-lasting stains.

Dark Spots

Spilled water, high moisture, Pet mess, dirt, and pollutants cause dark spots on your floor. These dark spots fade the color of your expensive hardwood floor. If not cleaned properly, these spots can affect the finishing of your hardwood floor.

How To Get Rid Of Black Spots Out Of Hardwood Floor

Removing these spots can be a trouble-free process when done correctly. In this section, I’ll share some key points for removing black spots from your floor.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent stain remover. It can effectively eliminate black marks and their rotten smell. Its chemical properties make it a remarkable product for floor cleaning.

The bleaching effect of hydrogen peroxide provides efficient cleaning against dirt particles and dark stains. Place a piece of wool-soaked hydrogen peroxide on the dark spot.

Let it soak for 5-10 minutes to remove the dark spot. Then rub the stippled area with a clean cloth.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is an excellent spot-removing product. You can get rid of the white and black spots by using baking soda. Baking soda doesn’t harm your hardwood floor.

By adding vinegar to baking soda, you can make an excellent homemade formula. For making this formula, add a little amount of vinegar to baking soda. Then mix it with baking soda.

Mix until a paste is formed. Apply the paste on the spotted areas and let it dry.  When dried, wipe the paste with the help of a clean cloth.

Then wash the whole area with water.

Cleaning The Black Spots With Steel Wool

 Steel wool can be used for rubbing the spotted patch. It’s an efficient way to eradicate the stubborn black spots from your hardwood floor. First, soak the steel wool in a mineral spirit.

When done, gently rub the steel wool over the spots.  Then let the mineral spirit dry. As a result, it will remove the spots from the floor.

Excess of mineral spirit can ruin the finishing of your hardwood floor.  That’s why to be cautious while using mineral spirit.

White Vinegar

White vinegar is a perfect solution against different types of spots and their smell. It’s an incredible cleaning agent for dark spots. Due to its antiseptic and anti-fungal characteristics, it can also be used as a disinfectant.

For efficient use, we recommend you make a vinegar solution. Mix a small amount of white vinegar to warm water. Use this solution for cleaning by scrubbing the black stains.

Then clean these spots with a cloth.

Bleaching The Stains

Bleach is one of the popular stain removing agents. It can effectively eliminate stubborn black spots. First, bleach the spotted area.

Then Use fine-grit sandpaper after sanding the area. But be cautious while using sandpaper and do not get deep into the inner layer of the floor. Only use sandpaper on the surface of the hardwood floor.

Seal the surface area, which you have already treated with bleach and sandpaper. Don’t forget to adopt precautionary measures before using bleach. Always read instructions, wear gloves, and avoid direct contact with bleach.

Regular Cleaning

How To Remove Black Spots On The Hardwood Floor

Adopting precautionary measures can help in maintaining the finish of your floor. Dirt, sand, and debris particles cause bacterial growth over the floor surface.

That can further cause black spots. That’s why we recommend regularly cleaning your floor to prevent spots from popping up.  Immediately clean spilled liquid, milk, ink, pet food, mess, and urine.

Use a vacuum cleaner that is suitable for your hardwood floor. A durable rug can also protect your floor from pollutants. Use organic and affordable products like baking soda, bleach, and vinegar for removing black spots.