How To Clean A Dog Pee Out Of A Cowhide Rug?

How To Clean A Dog Pee Out Of A Cowhide Rug?

Having cowhide in a home adds a modern a stylish look.

It gives a natural look to any place. Cowhide needs proper care, maintenance, and cleaning like other fluffy rugs. They are easy to clean with simple cleaning methods.

Having a dog at home is such a loving idea. However, they cause trouble when peeing on cowhide rugs. These are very comfortable and warm. That’s why it is a favorite place for a pet. Sometimes, the dog pee on a cowhide rug.

If you ignore it and do not remove it immediately, the pet urine creates a strong smell. When urine penetrates deep and dried, it creates dirty stains that may ruin the beautiful look of rugs.

What Is Cowhide Rug?

These are made with the skin and hair of cows by the chrome tanning process. These are trending nowadays due to their durability, flexibility, and hypoallergenic features.

How To Clean A Dog Pee Out Of A Cowhide Rug?

Clean pet urine from cowhide rug frequently with a simple spot cleaning method. The dogs were attracted to cowhide due to its design and comfortable texture. It is the only reason that they pee on a cowhide rug.

Different commercial removers and homemade remedies are used to remove the stain.

Will Urine Remover Able To Clean Dog Pee From A Cowhide Rug

Yes definitely.

I use and recommend only Resolve Ultra Pet Stain Remover.

Last year I buy a white cowhide area rug for my lounge. It gives an attractive look to my home. My wife loves cat and pet and always take them with her. The cowhide is attractive for a pet, my pet peeing on these rugs.

The odor of urine is unbearable for me while watching TV.

The strong pet stain removers start to damage my costly rug. Then I buy Clorox remover. I am using it for the last 4 months and got incredible results.

Why do I recommend Resolve Ultra Pet Stain Remover?

  • It effectively breaks down the urine to eliminate urine odors.
  • The solution is multi-purpose removal for spills, feces, vomit, and urine
  • Help to freshen the area with scent
  • Remove all possible stains
  • Easily stubborn the stain and spots without soaking
  • It also discourages the resoiling
  • It is the best rug shampoo to wash pets stain
  • Do not leave any residues that attract dirt
  • The formula brake down the uric acid crystals and bacteria to remove smells
  • It is human friendly, and no need to rinse to remove urine on the cowhide rug

How To Apply Resolve Ultra Remover On Rug?

As the rugs are made of animal fur, prevent it from direct use of water. When you soak the rug in any fluid, it damages the rugs badly. That’s why I select this spray cleaner for my expensive cowhide rug.

After vacuuming, spray the solution on the affected area and wait for some time. It eliminates the urine smell at once and freshens up the area.

You can also use it on hardwood floors and other surfaces.

Is It Safe For Leather Cowhide Rug?

It is completely safe for all soft and delicate rugs. It eliminates urine, food, and stains in an effective and fastest way.

It is well suited for a rug and carpet.

What Are The Things That I Don’t Like About Resolve Ultra Remover?

I use it for the last some months. To be honest, I do not find any drawbacks while utilizing a urine-stained rug. I like this spray due to its harmless and non-toxic formula.

How Much Cost Of It?

On amazon stores, the prices change with time.

If you want to purchase it:


The product rating is 4.7 out of 5

What Are The Other Methods To Clean Dog Urine Out Of A Cowhide Rug?

Some home remedies are used to clean urine. It is the best and high rated way for tough stains. I don’t recommend it because I never use it on my rugs.

What You Will Require

How To Start The Cleaning?

Follow these steps carefully

  • Mix one tablespoon of vinegar in a bowl of water
  • Make a mixture by stirring
  • Apply On The Rug
  • Takes a clean cloth or sponge
  • Damp it in the dilute mixture and apply a wet towel on the smelly and blotting surface
  • As the liquid goes deeper into it. Do not soak the rug
  • Leaves it outside to dry in the exposure of sunny heat
  • Turn the hidden side towards the sun and fluffy down
  • Wait until no more moisture is left
  • Use Baking Soda
  • Sprinkle baking soda on the affected area
  • Let it for 24 hours for a fresh look
  • Vacuum the area with a gentle speed hand vacuum
  • It keeps the urine out of a cowhide rug
  • In the end, scrape with a knife to restore a fluffy clean look.

Note: Using a water solution in a spray bottle is the best option for spot and spills removal. It eliminates possible urine odor without damaging the rug carpet. Try to use a white cloth with a liquid cleaner. The dyed may cause color stain problems on the white rug.

How To Clean A Dog Pee Out Of A Cowhide Rug-Final Thoughts.

The animal fur-like rug is trending for home and attractive for a pet. The pet pees on it and spread odors throughout the clean house. Remove and clean pet urine with instant cleaning to avoid any awful scent. When a  dog pee on a cowhide rug, create a spot on it.

Cleaning spills and poo needs care due to the sensitive nature of the rug. Well, cleaning removes odor, and you can get a clean rug. During cleaning, follow the instructions to remove hide cat pet pees.

The homemade water and vinegar will work in urine cleaning. Make sure that after rugs cleaning, give heat treatment outside the room. You will get a fluffy rug after urine cleaning with proper maintenance and cleaning techniques.

The commercial eliminator will help to get rid of cat and dog urine in the fastest and safest way.

The uric acid in urine attracts germ and molds growth. When pet pee on a cowhide rug, take action. Proper rug cleaning items remove and clean dog marks.

Dog Behaviour