Hand-tufted Rug Vs Machine Made

Rugs add beauty, cushion, and comfort to any place. People use rugs pad to protect the floor and give a luxurious look to the hallway and corridor. Rugs under the coffee table give you an attractive look.

Further, you can place a rug in the bedroom, patio, porch to greet your family and friends. It adds beauty as well as protects the floor from damage. Plus, if your floor has scratches, you can cover them with high-quality rugs.

From a manufacturing point of view, rugs have three types.

  • Hand-knotted/oriental rugs
  • Hand-tufted rugs and
  • Machine-made rugs

All types of rugs are good and safe for your flooring. You can choose the rug according to your floor, area, and desire. The hand-knotted is hand-made but more durable than a machine.

Hand-tufted Rug Vs Machine-made Rug

Hand-tufted rug

The hand-tufted rug is handmade and created without any knot. These rugs are made by hand but, some of the material is ready in tools. The hand-tuft rugs take less time and reduce cost due to the small tools process.

The blend of silk and wool is trendy, durable, and may soft weaving for carpets. The tufts gun is a tool of manufacturing. The contemporary modern rug is in trend. Plus, the Persian is elegant and low-priced than others.

1. Safavieh AT64A hand-tufted antique collection-Review

SAFAVIEH Antiquity Collection Area Rug -...

The hand-woven construction gives stability on any floor.

The hand-tufting tools are arrange woven in gorgeous and stylish patterns. The traditional fibers rug gives an elegant accent to any surface.

Further, the safavieh is creating by using 100 percent wool. The hand-knotted rug was made with woven but, it contains some amount of viscous. The timeless handmade rugs lead to interior designing.

Pros of safavieh hand:

  • A durable and versatile rug
  • Traditionally designed
  • Handmade rugs
  • Lay flat on any surface
  • Premium choice rug
  • Provides comfort and cushioning
  • Not stain the floor

Cons of hand-made safavieh:

  • Not available in light colors

The rating of these products is 4.5 out of 5 stars.


The machine-made rugs are mostly cheap and have advance features. These take less time in production as compared to knotted and hand-tufted items. The machine-made rug mat is creating in large grade loom scales.

The power looms have heavy machines. The Persian hand-woven tuft rug is made in a day, and machine-made only require hours. They are made easily and quickly without considering any artwork.

The machine loomed techniques are automated and create a design according to instructions. You do not require many workers like in typically hand-knotted manufacturing. Due to these reasons, the cost of machine-made is much less.

2. Ottomanson non-slip laundry collection-Review

Ottomanson Machine Washable Checkered...

The Ottomanson is one of the best and higher-rated collections for kitchens, patio, TV lounge, and bedrooms. The rubber back rugs avoid slipping and sliding, often on laminate and vinyl. Plus, the synthetic polypropylene material is durable and long-lasting.

Furthermore, it resists stains and fading effects. The edges have a tied grip with the floor due to rubber. The machine-made low pile rugs add style and beauty to your laundry room and home.

However, the machine-made rug is easy to clean and vacuum. Clean the yarn spot with mild soap and detergent. Regularly operated vacuum increases the rug life. The machine-made process is easy and computer-based.

Pros of Ottomanson:

  • Top-quality rugs
  • Low price than handmade
  • Do not leave any stain
  • Rubber-backing and a machine-made rug
  • More durable and easy to maintain
  • Attractive and an elegant machines rug
  • Top-quality machines rug

Cons of Ottomanson rug:

  • Not machine washable

The product rating is 4.7 out of 5

What Is The Difference Between Hand-tufted And Machine-made Rug


The material is the most considering feature of every rug. The handmade hand-tufted and hand-knotted rugs are made of wool and silk.

The hand-knotted contains bamboo silk and viscous.

The machine-made rug has polypropylene, polyester, and nylon.

Weaving pattern:

The hand-knotted rugs are fully hand-woven. People tie the weave knots to each other.

The hand-tufted rugs are created by tools not fully hand-woven. They are partially handmade items. Plus, the machine-made rugs mat is made on a sturdy machine scale.


The hand-knotted rugs take a maximum of 4-6 months with a group of laborers. The fiber is hand-knotted by one hand. The hand-tufted rugs require less time than hand-knotted.

The machine-made rugs require the least time to complete than hand-knotted rugs. It is ready to use in less time and more durable.


The hand-knotted rugs are oriental and for low-traffic areas. In more traffic areas, the hand-knotted rug may start shading. On the other hand, the Persian hand-tufted rugs can bear medium traffic smoothly. VS the machine-made rugs are suitable for all types of traffic.


The hand-knotted oriental rugs are more durable than any other rug. The hand-knotted rugs are more expensive because they are more durable.

The hand-tufted Persian rugs are likely less durable than hand-tufted rugs. It is not 100 percent handmade. Plus, the machine-made rugs are least durable than other hand-knotted rugs. The machine-made rug with a plastic back is broken after some bends.

Final Thoughts About Hand-Tufted Rug Vs Machine-made

Both the machine0made and hand-knotted rugs have high quality and aesthetic-made properties. The rugs mat is luxurious and attractive in its place.

The tufted is handmade and also applying some machine-made tools.

The difference is only that the hand-knotted rugs are made by tie knots. This process may time consuming. The oriental hand-knotted rugs usually lay flat entirely on carpets.

Plus, the handmade and machine-made rugs are easy to clean.



Rug Cleaning

Updated on 2022-10-02 / This Article may have Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API